Processology Insights

Eliminating Redundancies In Your Organization

Written by Michael D. Wilson | Jul 7, 2020 8:15:00 PM

Is your organization bogged down by redundant and unnecessary processes? Do you find employees frequently performing tasks that no longer serve a real purpose?

As your business evolves, it's crucial to regularly evaluate business operations and eliminate any redundancies holding you back. Streamlining workflows and removing redundancies can lead to significant gains in efficiency, productivity, and profitability. In this blog post, we'll explore what redundancies are, where they hide, how to identify them, and why eliminating them should be a priority.

What Are Redundancies?

A redundancy is any process, procedure, role, report, meeting, or other business activity that is duplicative, outdated, or otherwise unnecessary. Redundancies are more than just a waste of time and resources - they can slow down progress, hamper innovation, frustrate employees, and even drive away customers. Some examples of redundancies include:

  • Manual data entry or reporting that could be automated

  • Multiple people performing the same task or approval

  • Forms, applications, paperwork that are no longer required

  • Outdated legacy systems and outdated workflows

  • Unproductive meetings that rehash old topics

  • Micromanagement or excessive oversight over competent employees

Redundancies creep into organizations over time as processes expand and evolve. Leaders get focused on day-to-day operations and don't step back to trim unnecessary steps. Outdated legacy systems and workflows linger well past their usefulness. No single redundancy may seem impactful on its own, but together they can death by a thousand cuts to organizational efficiency.

Where Redundancies Hide

Like weeds in an untended garden, redundancies sprout up anywhere and everywhere if not actively managed. Some of the most common hiding places include:

Communication & Collaboration

  • CC'ing multiple managers on emails for approval/oversight

  • Excessive cross-team meetings

  • Lack of role clarity between departments/teams

Systems & Processes

  • Manual entry/re-entry of data into multiple systems

  • Systems requiring redundant data inputs

  • Workflows with excessive approvals, hand-offs

Policies & Procedures

  • Forms and paperwork no longer required

  • Legacy approval protocols

  • Process documentation out of date

Products & Services

  • Overlapping products/features aimed at same customer need

  • Services which can be streamlined or consolidated

Management & Oversight

  • Managers micromanaging capable employees

  • Excessive oversight slows down employee decision making

Identifying Redundancies

The first step in eliminating redundancies is systematically identifying where and how they currently exist in your operations.

  1. Map out key workflows end-to-end. Document each step and input required.

  2. Analyze workflows for duplication of effort. Look for hand-offs between teams or approvals where one may suffice.

  3. Assess forms, reports, and data inputs. Are any duplicative or no longer used? Can data be automated?

  4. Examine meetings. Is time used effectively or repeating known information?

  5. Interview employees. Ask for input on redundancies they encounter in their work.

  6. Review processes after any change - e.g. new systems or policies.

  7. Consider outsourcing consultant help for unbiased assessment.

Cast a wide net when searching for redundancies. Even small inefficient steps add up. Keep an open mind - long accepted processes may not hold up to fresh scrutiny.

Weighing Cost vs. Value

Before blindly eliminating redundancies, take care to understand their purpose and weigh costs versus benefits.

  • Consider if redundancy was intentionally designed into a process for risk management or accuracy.

  • Analyze both hard and soft costs of removing redundancy.

  • Factor in value of employees' time and opportunity costs.

  • Weigh customer experience impacts of removing or streamlining steps.

  • Assess downstream impacts on other business processes and teams.

There can be good reasons for controlled redundancies, like double-checking safety-critical processes or backing up data. The key is right-sizing redundancies to maximize value, not just removing them altogether.

Implementation Strategies

Once key redundancies are identified and prioritized, develop a plan to methodically eliminate them:

  • Start with quick wins like eliminating unused forms or consolidating reports.

  • Roll out updated processes, workflows, and systems in phased approach.

  • Provide retraining as needed on new streamlined workflows.

  • Communicate changes and impacts clearly to affected teams.

  • Involve employees to tap their insights on optimizing or automating processes.

  • Develop metrics to track results and ensure changes deliver expected benefits.

  • Re-assess remaining redundancies at regular intervals to guard against backslides.

Continual refinement should become part of company culture. Building in ongoing, regular reviews of workflows will help sustain redundancy elimination long-term.

Benefits of Removing Redundancies

Here are some of the many potential benefits of making redundancy elimination a priority:

  • Greater productivity: employees waste less time on non-value activities.

  • Improved efficiency: processes, systems aligned to maximize output.

  • Higher quality: removing errors caused by rework.

  • Increased innovation: freeing up resources for new initiatives.

  • Improved morale: employees feel empowered and less bogged down.

  • Enhanced customer experience: faster response times and issue resolution.

  • Cost savings: reducing wasted time, effort, duplicative tools/systems.

  • Competitive edge: ability to adapt processes faster than competitors.

  • Future-proofing: building in flexibility to evolve as needs change.

Make Redundancy Elimination Part of Culture

Redundancies slow companies down in ways both large and small. But with constant vigilance and a systematic approach, they can be weeded out for continuously improved performance. Make redundancy identification and elimination part of your organization's culture. Empower employees to help optimize processes. Leverage capable partners to provide an outside perspective. View redundancy elimination as an ongoing journey rather than a one-time initiative. With each redundant component removed, you clear the path for greater efficiency and innovation.

Eliminating redundancies is crucial for optimizing performance. By regularly mapping workflows, analyzing processes, and empowering employees, companies can adapt faster, reduce costs, and deliver higher value. Making redundancy elimination part of company culture ensures sustained excellence and long-term success.